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Typically, requests for grants come to us via the local care agencies with whom we work. 


We are flexible in what we will consider for a grant, but there are three things we look for: 

  1. Does the recipient live in Boroondara, or is the organisation based in Boroondara?

  2. Is the recipient in necessitous circumstances?

  3. Will the grant help alleviate these necessitous circumstances?


General Grants

Our General Grants Program covers grants for items that are typically over $400, and which are considered at our monthly Committee meetings. These may be for a range of things that could include training programs, uniforms, professional courses, non-PBS medicines, therapeutic equipment, and utilities bills. If they are likely to relieve the necessitous circumstances of the recipient, then HCC will consider them.

Emergency Grants

Emergency Grants are grants that are under a $400 threshold and by their nature, are urgent and cannot wait for the monthly meeting cycle.  These grants may be to pay for outstanding bills or medicines, or other urgent needs. Three appointed members of our Committee responsible for Emergency Grants, can approve grants outside a Committee meeting, up to $400 per grant.

Education Program

Hawthorn Community Chest’s (HCC) Education Program is in its sixth year and provides a Grant for the educational needs of secondary school children in Boroondara, who are facing financial difficulty. It covers up to $1,500 of education-specific costs for each child over the course of the school year. The objective of the Program is to:


“make it easier for children who are in necessitous circumstances to attend school and be able to participate more fully in school life by allowing them access to education-based items and activities that may otherwise be too difficult for them to afford. This Grant should make a difference to the life of the child and their family.”


A key feature of our Program, and a point of difference from other Education assistance schemes, is that we are aiming it at those children who most need the support to simply stay at school. This money will be used to cover school-based costs such as:

  • Laptop payments:

    • HCC will pay for the hire of laptop computers through a school

    • HCC will only pay up to one third of the cost of a new laptop

    • HCC will pay for a second-hand laptop

  • School uniform, school shoes, school runners and other uniform items

  • Textbooks and online resources

  • Camps and excursions

  • Subject levies

  • Tutors

  • Materials for art, crafts and stationery

Wellbeing Program

HCC’s Wellbeing Program recognizes that mental health challenges, loneliness and isolation are real factors affecting people across Boroondara. We have set up four programs to address this need:



A long-running Saturday morning coffee catch-up, Chatterlink operates out of Rococo restaurant in Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn. It’s facilitated by volunteers, and HCC picks up the tab!


The Coffee Pot

HCC supports ACCESS Health and Community’s A2C program, through funding its volunteer Community Connectors with a café coffee (or tea!), allowing them to connect in a more authentic way with local people who are finding it difficult to access community activities.


Community Program Support

Again working with A2C, HCC can help with the costs associated with accessing local wellbeing programs, whether they be yoga, cooking, pilates or painting classes  for those who simply cannot afford it.


The Highbury Crew

HCC is thrilled to be a key supporter of Boroondara Community Outreach’s band, The Highbury Crew (previously known as Love Cherry Attitude). The band meets weekly at BCO’s community hall under the mentorship of a professional muso, allowing people of all abilities the opportunity to play instruments, sing and rehearse for live local gigs. 

Click here to access our online Grant Application Form
Or download a pdf or word version of the Grant Application Form

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